The T-port valve integrates a T-shape discharge into the pigging line and at the same time
separates the rest of the pigging line. With these two features a one pig system can be
applied; this offers the advantage of easier installation, operation and automation.
The T-port valve's seal principle has been well-proven for years. Available sizes are DN
25 up to DN 300 (1“ up to 12“).
In its initial state the T-branch is locked and the piggable passage is free. On switching the
valve the pipeline part facing away from product is locked through a 90° turn of the cylinder.
At the same time the T-branch opens and a pig catcher is turned into the pipeline. This
T-branch now connects the pigging line with the discharge line through the cylinder so that
the product can be transferred now. To terminate the transfer, a pig empties the pipeline
up to the pig catch unit and the valve is closed again by turning, the separated part of the
pipeline is opened again.
Should the product simultaneously be transferred to various discharges, the valve can be set
up in a way that the rear pipeline is not separated.
This valve is often used for filling and emptying of tanks.